Inquiries, suggestions, or project submissions? Write us a message below or send an email to

For project submissions, please send quality images, at least 800 pixels wide or high. Please do not send images with text overlays or watermarks. Be sure to include photo credits and copyright details. If you hired a photographer, be sure that you have the rights to distribute the photos to a third party. Check if you are unsure. Information such as design inspiration, materials, fabrication methods, or site context is always helpful.

By submitting content to us, you confirm your agreement with the following terms:

  • You are the owner of all intellectual property submitted. If there is a claim that someone else owns part or all of the intellectual property rights, the content will be removed from the site as necessary.
  • You are responsible for all content and accept liability for any action relating to that content.
  • The Urban Letter is free to publish the content along with credit information.

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