Artist: Austin Zucchini-Fowler
Instagram @austinzart
Location: Denver, CO
Image credits: @austinzart
While it’s been a challenging time for many, it’s been inspiring to see people tackling the virus and engaged though visual communication. From homemade signs thanking healthcare workers, to COVID-19 informational posters, to digital street signs encouraging people to stay at home, to carry-out signs in restaurant windows, visual communication about the virus is everywhere.
The pandemic has compelled artists to get involved as well and new coronavirus related murals have been popping up in cities around the world. Some are witty, some are thoughtful, and some are powerful. They add a bit more life and color to empty public spaces and streets and make boarded-up storefronts more beautiful. Here is a selection of works from around the United States and the world.
For more art, check out Street Artists Respond to COVID-19 (Part 2), here.
Artist: Mosher
Location: Chicago, IL
Artist Links: Instagram @moshershow
Image credits: @moshershow
Artist: the rebel bear
Instagram @the.rebel.bear
Location: Glasgow, Scotland
Image credits: @the.rebel.bear
Lionel Stanhope revisited his mural, inspired by the artist Jan Van Eyck’s famous artwork “Man in a Red Turban”, to give the man a facemask.
Artist: Lionel Stanhope
Instagram @lionel_stanhope
Location: London, England
Image credits: @lionel_stanhope
Artist: TVBoy
Instagram @tvboy
Location: Barcelona, Spain
Image credits: @tvboy
Artist: Ruben Rojas
Instagram @rubenrojas
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Image credits: @rubenrojas
Corie Mattie’s LA Hope Dealer project, pictured above, includes murals, signs, and even a food truck. Mattie designed the artwork and messaging to be uplifting, while encouraging social distancing and use of face masks.
Artist: Corie Mattie
Instagram @lahopedealer
LA Hope Dealer project: www.lahopedealer.com
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Image credits: Corie Mattie